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Our suite of WordPress Development Services

Discover our growing range of WordPress web development services that aim to empower businesses with a custom-built and unique website.

VR Apps for Smartphones & Tablets

Our VR developers leverage built-in capabilities of smartphones including accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer to run VR applications, with the know how to utilise useful apps for your business to hit the intended goals. We offer VR apps for Android, iPhone, and iPad devices.

VR Consultation

Virtual Reality app development requires specialization on development technologies & tools like SDKs, as well the systems infrastructure. Our VR app development consultants are familiar with the virtual market and have the capabilities of delivering satisfying results at budget rates.

VR Cardboard Applications

Google provides one of the best & cheapest VR viewers using smartphone-based VR applications. Our specialization in Google Cardboard VR app development enables you to reach the wide and big audience to consume your VR apps easily and with best UX. If your targeted audience favors cardboard, why should you refrain to go for our services?

VR Apps For Headsets

Earlier, VR experiences were only possible with high end headsets like Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, and WMR, but with tech advancements it is possible and our VR experts can help you to leverage giant virtual screens and desktop screens to forward your causes using VR applications developed by our VR developers.

VR Game Apps

Our VR developers define complete sensory immersion and high definition, feature rich realism through VR games for our esteemed clients to serve their various business needs including providing marketing opportunities, in-app purchases, and Ads to monetize through mobile games.

VR Support & Maintenance

We believe in strengthening customer relationships by providing exclusive support and maintenance experiences by allocating a devoted team of VR developers and marketing professionals. Our prompt and comprehensive responses to any query come in between the VR app development process or afterward earned us high reputations in the market.

Benefits of WordPress development

WordPress changed the digital landscape on its axis by empowering professionals as well as amateurs to build blogs and websites on their own. There is more to it than user-friendliness.

Our VR Expertise

Our VR mobile app developers have commendable experience in building VR mobile app solutions for clients belonging to various industry and targeting audience of distinct location or age group.

Transparent & Competitive

We believe transparency is the key to build loyalty. To ensure our clients about the work and its progress. The VR app developers at Intelivita are recognized for building competitive solutions..

Custom VR Experience

Every business is unique and so should the way to attract and engage its target audience. At Intelivita, we have this in our rule book and hence we leave no stone unturned to build custom VR solutions for our clients.

Many Industries, Many Solutions

Gaming Apps

These apps are designed for recreational purposes, offering immersive gaming experiences and interactive entertainment content. Users can become a part of the virtual world and engage in activities like exploration, puzzle solving, shooting, and more.

Gaming Apps

Gaming Apps

These apps are designed for recreational purposes, offering immersive gaming experiences and interactive entertainment content. Users can become a part of the virtual world and engage in activities like exploration, puzzle solving, shooting, and more.
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Educational and Training Apps

Educational VR apps are used for learning and training purposes. They offer interactive simulations and environments to help users understand complex concepts, historical events, scientific phenomena, and various skills. These apps are utilized in schools, universities, and professional training programs.

Educational and Training Apps

Educational and Training Apps

Educational VR apps are used for learning and training purposes. They offer interactive simulations and environments to help users understand complex concepts, historical events, scientific phenomena, and various skills. These apps are utilized in schools, universities, and professional training programs.
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Entertainment Apps

These apps provide various forms of entertainment, such as games, streaming platforms, and multimedia content. Examples include Netflix, Spotify, and Angry Birds.

Entertainment Apps

Entertainment Apps

These apps provide various forms of entertainment, such as games, streaming platforms, and multimedia content. Examples include Netflix, Spotify, and Angry Birds.
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Virtual Tourism Apps

Virtual tourism apps enable users to explore real-world or fictional locations as if they were physically present. Users can virtually visit famous landmarks, historical sites, cities, and natural wonders, enhancing their travel experiences from the comfort of their own homes.

Virtual Tourism Apps

Virtual Tourism Apps

Virtual tourism apps enable users to explore real-world or fictional locations as if they were physically present. Users can virtually visit famous landmarks, historical sites, cities, and natural wonders, enhancing their travel experiences from the comfort of their own homes.
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Social and Collaboration Apps

These apps focus on connecting people in virtual spaces, allowing users to interact with friends, family, or even strangers in shared VR environments. Users can engage in conversations, play games, watch movies, and collaborate on projects in a more immersive manner.

Social and Collaboration Apps

Social and Collaboration Apps

These apps focus on connecting people in virtual spaces, allowing users to interact with friends, family, or even strangers in shared VR environments. Users can engage in conversations, play games, watch movies, and collaborate on projects in a more immersive manner.
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Healthcare and Therapy Apps

VR technology is used in healthcare for therapeutic purposes. These apps provide immersive environments to help patients manage pain, anxiety, and stress. They can also assist in rehabilitation by offering engaging exercises and simulations.

Healthcare and Therapy Apps

Healthcare and Therapy Apps

VR technology is used in healthcare for therapeutic purposes. These apps provide immersive environments to help patients manage pain, anxiety, and stress. They can also assist in rehabilitation by offering engaging exercises and simulations.
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