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Features to plan & execute fitness goals

From planning to workout to seeing those plans to action, our health and fitness mobile apps are enriched with features that your users will become habitual to.

Activity tracking

Workout videos

Personalized plans

Workout calendars

HealthKit & Google Fit integration

Progress visualization

Who can benefit the most from our fitness app development

Everyone who has it in them to train and mentor others to lead a healthy lifestyle can benefit from our health and fitness app development expertise.

Fitness Coach

Yoga Instructors

Gym Owner

Glims of Our Creative Mobile Game Development Work

DevFrnd had a humble beginning as a mobile game development company, before becoming a digital agency. Have glims of some of the top mobile games we developed. Your's could be next.

Social Networking Apps

These apps facilitate communication and interaction between users. Examples include Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter

Social Networking Apps

Social Networking Apps

These apps facilitate communication and interaction between users. Examples include Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter
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Messaging Apps

Messaging apps allow users to send text, multimedia messages, and make voice/video calls. Examples include WhatsApp, iMessage, and Telegram.

Messaging Apps

Messaging Apps

Messaging apps allow users to send text, multimedia messages, and make voice/video calls. Examples include WhatsApp, iMessage, and Telegram.
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Entertainment Apps

These apps provide various forms of entertainment, such as games, streaming platforms, and multimedia content. Examples include Netflix, Spotify, and Angry Birds.

Entertainment Apps

Entertainment Apps

These apps provide various forms of entertainment, such as games, streaming platforms, and multimedia content. Examples include Netflix, Spotify, and Angry Birds.
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Utility Apps

Utility apps offer tools and features that help users perform tasks more efficiently. Examples include weather apps, calculators, and QR code scanners.

Utility Apps

Utility Apps

Utility apps offer tools and features that help users perform tasks more efficiently. Examples include weather apps, calculators, and QR code scanners.
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E-commerce Apps

E-commerce apps allow users to shop for products and services online. Examples include Amazon, eBay, and Shopify.

E-commerce Apps

E-commerce Apps

E-commerce apps allow users to shop for products and services online. Examples include Amazon, eBay, and Shopify.
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Finance Apps

Finance apps help users manage their finances, track expenses, and make transactions. Examples include Mint, PayPal, and Robinhood.

Finance Apps

Finance Apps

Finance apps help users manage their finances, track expenses, and make transactions. Examples include Mint, PayPal, and Robinhood.
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