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The many possibilities of a real estate mobile app

A real estate app can do lot more than what you can imagine. As a real estate development company, we will help you build a real estate app that can perform several functions at once.

Property Booking

Build a real estate app that allows users to book favorite properties based on location, price range, number of rooms, property type, age and much more.

Property Renting

The biggest market for real estate is with the rental properties. We can help you build a real estate app that allows users to find rental properties based on several parameters.

Property Management

When there are several properties owned by a single owner, property management becomes cumbersome. Our real estate app can help you manage all properties from a single dashboard.

360 Virtual View of Property

Turn real estate selling into an immersive experience with 360-degree views of properties that have more detailing about interiors, room dimensions, floor area and much more.

Why invest in real estate app development

Know the several reasons why real estate mobile app development is crucial in the coming days of digital boom.

More Qualified Leads

For any business, getting leads is a long battle. For a real estate business, that battle is even tougher. A real estate mobile app an help connect leads with a high intent to purchase to your business.

More Qualified Leads

More Qualified Leads

For any business, getting leads is a long battle. For a real estate business, that battle is even tougher. A real estate mobile app an help connect leads with a high intent to purchase to your business.
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Increase Bookings

Increase your property tour books drastically by building a real estate app the app can streamline bookings by identifying the perfect time slots when owners, brokers and buyers are ready to take the tour.

Increase Bookings

Increase Bookings

Increase your property tour books drastically by building a real estate app the app can streamline bookings by identifying the perfect time slots when owners, brokers and buyers are ready to take the tour.
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Brand positioning

Enhance your brand position as a real estate business by embracing the mobile app wave. Become a brand that is visible and accessible to customers in your region and beyond with a customized mobile app.

Brand positioning

Brand positioning

Enhance your brand position as a real estate business by embracing the mobile app wave. Become a brand that is visible and accessible to customers in your region and beyond with a customized mobile app.
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Virtual Tour

Make it easy for users to come to a decision about a property with virtual tours of properties. The virtual tour can be primed with in depth details about the property, 360-degree view and also floor area measurements to decide interior design.

Virtual Tour

Virtual Tour

Make it easy for users to come to a decision about a property with virtual tours of properties. The virtual tour can be primed with in depth details about the property, 360-degree view and also floor area measurements to decide interior design.
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Competitive advantage

Gain a competitive advantage over your competitors by reaching customers faster with the mobile app. Save time for sales reps to follow leads. You can know high quality leads from the rest to close deals faster.

Competitive advantage

Competitive advantage

Gain a competitive advantage over your competitors by reaching customers faster with the mobile app. Save time for sales reps to follow leads. You can know high quality leads from the rest to close deals faster.
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Global reach

Location matters a lot in real estate selling. But, real estate property in any location of the world is worth its weight in gold. Real estate app development can make properties accessible to a global market.

Global reach

Global reach

Location matters a lot in real estate selling. But, real estate property in any location of the world is worth its weight in gold. Real estate app development can make properties accessible to a global market.
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Our Value

App Technologies

Building apps for the web and mobile require a whole new set of abilities. These technologies empower with those abilities.

Game Ar App

These apps merge virtual gaming elements with the real world, encouraging users to explore and interact with their environment in novel ways. Pokémon GO is a popular example

Projection-Based AR

Recognition-Based AR

These apps recognize and identify real-world objects, allowing users to interact with them through digital overlays. For instance, an app that recognizes plants and provides information about them.

Outlining AR

This type outlines real-world objects with augmented reality overlays. This is useful for tasks like interior design, where users can see how furniture might look in their space.

AR Navigation

AR navigation apps provide real-time visual cues and directions overlaid on the user's view of the real world, helping them navigate through unfamiliar areas.

Educational AR

These apps enhance learning by overlaying educational content onto real-world objects. They can be used for interactive anatomy lessons, historical reenactments, and more.

Industrial and Enterprise AR

Used in industries like manufacturing and maintenance, these apps provide workers with real-time information, instructions, and visualizations to assist with complex tasks.

Medical AR

These apps assist medical professionals in procedures by overlaying critical information, such as 3D models of anatomy, onto a patient's body.

Retail AR

Retail apps use AR to enable customers to visualize products in their own environment before making a purchase. This is especially common for furniture and home decor.

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